We all familiar with the life with internet nowadays. The Internet has dramatically changed how businesses operate, governments function, and people live and has reshaped how humanity communicates. Big data is a little different: it marks a transformation in how society processes information. Big data is anther perspective of the modernization consequences.
As recently as the year 2000, only one-quarter of all the world's stored information was digital. The rest was preserved on paper, film, and other analog media. But because the amount of digital data expands so quickly—doubling around every three years—that situation was swiftly inverted. Today, less than two percent of all stored information is non digital.
Every company meets the challenge to operate business in digital age. When all industries are going to embrace Internet, what does the resulting digitization process bring to enterprise.
What is Big Data:
Extremely large data sets that may be analyzed computationally to reveal patterns, trends, and associations, especially relating to human behavior and interactions. The definition of big data is data that contains greater variety, arriving in increasing volumes and with more velocity.
Big data is also characterized by the ability to render into data many aspects of the world that have never been quantified before; call it "datafication".
So What is Datafication:
The definition of datafication is a process of "taking all aspects of life and turning them into data". As examples, "Google's augmented-reality glasses datafy the gaze. Twitter datafies stray thoughts. LinkedIn datafies professional networks."
Every aspects of everyone's life can be and has been a statistic information to collect, so all companies are doing various profiles of their users, expecting to be able to use the database to satisfy customer experience and to determine the future direction of development. Companies increasingly are trying to take advantage of all that data to help drive better business strategies and decisions.
Why is Big Data Important for Businesses?
Time spent on website pages, email open rates, SMS conversion rates and ratings against services... All of the customer's actions have been digitized and recorded in a way that can be constantly calculated for relevance. Companies can get direct customer feedback on every step of any project they move forward with. This cannot be realized in precious time.
In previous time, we can only collect a relatively small amounts of data. But when we are approaching "n=all", which means if we collect all the data, many problems in research disappear.
Collecting data and owing big data about users' behavior, companies can make the fastest adjustments based on direct customer feedback as a way to achieve the most appropriate advertising ratio, email headline content, SMS campaigns to use and other such details at the time.
However, "once we datafy things, we can transform their purpose and turn the information into new forms of value". Companies also need to realize that good-looking figures are not the goal of their development. Although it is important to learn from data to improve lives, common sense must be permitted to override the spreadsheets. Companies need to take consideration about the living, breathing, self-willed people behind the data.
In the digital age, as everyone's actions are digitally recorded, it gives companies the ability to predict future industry trends and consumer needs. This ability is necessary for the development of modern businesses. The monitoring of all kinds of data can give businesses a lot of confidence in their decisions and can be more efficient in achieving their aims. Tools cannot become behavioral purposes. It is dangerous when all decisions are completely dependent on data.